Sunday, December 12, 2010

Apache Junction, Arizona – Part I

We settled into our winter hibernation headquarters on the first of December and expect to remain here at least until the first of March.  This is the time when we see doctors and dentists and attend to other chores that can’t be handled when rolling down the highways and byways.  We also enjoy the opportunity to rendezvous with chums who either live in the area all the time or who also hibernate here in the winter. 

Our site here at Superstition Lookout isn’t easy to get into but once we’re in there’s  plenty of elbow room.  Our road buddies, Russ and Rochelle, were already settled in at the same park and invited us for dinner our first night in town.  It has become somewhat of a tradition when we get together that Rochelle bakes a pie with rhubarb Russ has grown in their garden and this was no exception.  Yummy…and with French vanilla ice cream thrown in for good measure.  The next night we hightailed it out to Gold Canyon for a happy hour and potluck with the Anazazi Chapter of FMCA.  Two other couples from the Fulltimers chapter were there, which is how we came to be invited.  The Anazazis are an active fun group but unfortunately our life-style precludes  joining it. 

The great thing about this area of Arizona is the wonderful shopping opportunities.  Competition among several large grocery chains keep prices low (if you watch the sales) and there are several options for inexpensive fresh produce.  We always like to visit the Superstition Ranch Market for the bargains du jour – such as fresh pineapple at 88 cents each and colored bell peppers for less than you’d pay for green elsewhere.  And it is always fun to troll through the Mesa Swap Meet in search of some interesting little item.  That’s where you’re likely to run into all the folks you met last year.

I immediately threw myself into the water aerobics routine, starting with the 8:00 a.m. session.  Just recently I’ve added a second session at 9:00 although I’ve yet to do both in the same day.  There’s also a walking and stretching session three days a week.  Howie finally got around to buying a new bike and so there will be some pedaling in his future.  If I have any energy left, I may join him.  I’m sure there will be biking opportunities with friend David who resides nearby during the winter months.

The craft ladies meet once a week for a couple of hours on Monday, nothing formal, everybody just works on whatever they’re working on.  Everyone is very happy to share their skills and so there’s plenty of opportunity to learn new things.  I’m still working on the same afghan I was knitting this time last year.  Of course the colors are now passé.

All of the towns in aIMG_8337Bnd around Phoenix have their own Christmas activities.  Last week we drove to   Chandler to attend the lighting of their Christmas tree which is made of tumbleweeds. It’s some 35 feet tall and very impressive.  Our timing wasn’t very good; we arrived too early and didn’t feel much like staring at each other for two hours waiting for the parade to start.  The tree lighting was scheduled to follow the parade and none of us had dressed in enough layers to be comfortable once the sun went down.

So we took a vote, hopped in the car and raced back to Apache IMG_8356Junction where we arrived just in time to see the lighting of “our” Christmas tree and watch the parade.   Antique car collectors abound around here and the rolling light displays were quite fun to see.  Even some of the horses were draped in colored lights.  Several were not amused.

Stayed tuned for more shopping tips and radiant sunsets.


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